MetroAccess ID Cards

All Passengers must carry their MetroAccess Photo ID cards with them in order to use the MetroAccess service. When boarding a MetroAccess vehicle, passengers are required to show their MetroAccess ID card. The Washington DC Metro system requires this to protect the rights and security of passengers and prevent misuse of the MetroAccess system.

MetroAccess Photo ID cards are issued for individual use only. This means that MetroAccess ID cards are not transferable to others. Also, you may not give or lend your MetroAccess ID card to anyone. Note: Misuse, modification or counterfeiting of a MetroAccess ID card is against the laws of Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia.

Lost or Stolen MetroAccess Cards

If you lose your MetroAccess ID card, call (202) 962-2700 to notify the system that your card was lost or stolen. MetroAccess will replace the card for a fee. For the first replacement card, the fee is $10. For the second or next replacement card, the fee is $25. The fee should be paid using a check or money order. To receive a new card, write to the address shown below. Include your name, address, phone number, and MetroAccess ID number. Your replacement ID card should arrive within three (3) weeks.

Transit Accessibility Center
600 Fifth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001

Free Metro and Bus Rides

All MetroAccess passengers who show a valid MetroAccess ID may ride public transportation for free. On Metrobus or Metro, you may be accompanied by one person who may ride with you for free. Additional passengers traveling with you are required to pay the standard fare. You do not need to schedule rides in advance when using public transit systems. This gives you the flexibility to come and go as you please. Users may ride for free on the following systems:

Washington DC metro Metrobus
Washington DC metro Metro
Washington DC metro City of Fairfax CUE Bus
Washington DC metro City of Falls Church GEORGE bus
Washington DC metro DC Circulator
Washington DC metro Fairfax Connector
Washington DC metro Montgomery County Ride On
Washington DC metro Prince George's County TheBus

Washington DC Metro

The metropolitan subway system of Washington DC.

Washington DC Metrobus

Bus complementing the service provided by Metro.

DC Circulator Bus

DC Circulator
Bus connecting areas that are not accessible by Metro.

Washington DC Taxicabs

Guide to Taxicabs in Washington DC.


Metro Pocket Guide

Metro Pocket Guide
Essential information for Metro riders.

Metro Map

Metro Map
Printable version of the Metro map.

Metrobus Map

Metrobus Map
Printable version of Metrobus map for DC, VA, and MD.

DC Circulator Bus

DC Circulator Map
Map of DC Circulator bus routes.

Metro Map with DC Circulator Bus

Metro Map with Circulator
Metro map with DC Circulator and H Shuttle bus routes.

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