Washington DC

DC Circulator Bus: Smithsonian - National Gallery of Art Loop

DC Circulator Bus in Washington DC

The Smithsonian - National Gallery of Art Loop is the purple line of the DC Circulator bus. The bus loops around the National Mall, from 17th Street NW to 4th Street NW along Constitution Avenue NW, and back around Independence Avenue NW. The route provides door-to-door service to individual museums, as well as easy access to the Washington Monument and the World War II Memorial.

The Smithsonian - National Gallery of Art Loop route eliminates the long walks between museums and monuments and individual galleries, but only runs on weekends from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Bus Route/Stops: Counter Clockwise

Smithsonian Washington D.C.
Bus Washington D.C. Bus Stop Metro Nearby Touristic Attractions
Smithsonian Washington D.C.
1 Constitution Ave & 17th St NW World War II Memorial
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Washington Monument
Smithsonian Washington D.C.
2 Constitution Ave & 14th St NW Museum of American History

Smithsonian Washington D.C.
3 Constitution Ave & 10th St NW Federal Triangle Metro Museum of Natural History

Smithsonian Washington D.C.
4 Constitution Ave & 7th St NW Archives-Navy-Penn Quarter

Smithsonian Washington D.C.
5 Constitution Ave & 6th St NW

Smithsonian Washington D.C.
6 Constitution Ave & 4th St NW

Smithsonian Washington D.C.
7 1st St & Maryland Ave NE U.S. Capitol
U.S. Supreme Court
 Washington D.C.

Bus Route/Stops: Clockwise

Washington D.C.
Bus Washington D.C. Bus Stop Metro Nearby Touristic Attractions
Smithsonian Washington D.C.
1 Independence Ave & 2nd St SW U.S. Botanic Gardens
Bartholdi Fountain
Capitol Reflecting Pool
Smithsonian Washington D.C.
2 Independence Ave & 4th St SW National Museum of the
American Indian
Smithsonian Washington D.C.
3 Independence Ave & 6th St SW National Air & Space Museum

Smithsonian Washington D.C.
4 Independence Ave & 9th St SW National Museum of African Art
Arts & Industries Building
Hirshorn Museum
Smithsonian Washington D.C.
5 Independence Ave & 10th St SW Smithsonian Metro National Gallery of Art

Smithsonian Washington D.C.
6 Independence Ave & 14th St SW Freer Gallery of Art & Arthur M. Gallery
Holocaust Memorial Museum
Washington Monument
Smithsonian Washington D.C.
7 Constitution Ave & 17th St NW

Smithsonian Washington D.C.

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