The video above shows a day in the life of a Metrobus driver. So, do you want to work as a Metrobus Operator? Before submitting your job application, make sure you have the minimum qualifications:
Be a United States citizen.
Must have a High school diploma or GED.
Must have a Drivers License.
Must have three (3) years of continuous and verifiable post high school employment or a combined three (3) years of verifiable full or part-time student status and employment history.
Must have at least one (1) year of direct customer service and/or prior commercial bus, taxi or limousine driving experience.
All applicants must have a current valid driver's license. Prior to your appointment, you need to acquire a Commercial Driver Learner's (CDL) Permit from your jurisdiction of residence. By the completion of training, you must acquire a valid Commercial Driver's License with Passenger bus and Air Brakes endorsements.
Applying for a Metro Job
Before you start your job application, collect current and past employment and education information. In order to apply for a Metro job, you must first create an online profile. If your profile is incomplete, you may not be considered for the position. Filling out the job application takes about 30 minutes and the application cannot be saved until it is complete.
So, do you still want to be a Metro Bus Driver? If yes, then fill out the Employment Application Online. Metro does not accept paper applications. The link will take you to a site titled "Welcome Metro Applicant!" Click on "Create / Update Resume". The link will take you to a site titled "Log into HEARTS." Click on "Are you a new applicant? Click here to register". You will be taken to a site titled "Identification." Enter your email address and create a password. Finally, click "Register" to finish creating your profile.
Now let's talk about your Profile. Once you log in, click on "Create/Update Resume". Select the option "Submit new resume". Once you are done creating with your profile, apply for a Metro job! Simply add the position that you want to your job basket. This can be done from the "View Job Postings" page by checking the box under "Job Basket", or you can click the "Add Job to Basket" button on the "Job Description" page. To verify your application submission, go back to the Applicant Home page and click on Application Status. All the jobs that you have applied for will shown on this page

I Got Hired as a Metro Bus Driver... Now What?
Before assuming their position, all Metrobus drivers are required to complete an eight (8) week training. After their training is complete, Metrobus Drivers will be able to:
Drive and operate a commercial passenger bus, transporting passengers to and from scheduled stops.
Conduct bus inspections before and after daily run in conformance with safety and operating procedures. Document inspection findings.
Prepare and submit accident / incident reports. Periodically collect data for use in traffic analysis.
Collect bus fares, validate passes / ID cards, and provide schedule, route, and fare information to passengers.
Comply with State driving regulations and Metro's safety rules and procedures.
Exercise care in the handling of funds and reporting of lost articles.
Promptly engage Metro Transit Police Department (MTPD) in cases of passenger unruly conduct.
Operate wheelchair lifts / scooters and secure equipment of passengers in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Assist disabled passengers in boarding, riding, and alighting in a safe manner.
Use 2-way radio and logs into the Automated Vehicle Locator (AVL) to communicate with Bus Operations Central Control (BOCC). BOCC communication will include reports of accidents, equipment failures, schedule delays, hazardous or dangerous conditions along bus route and passenger loading zones, to include such hazards as unusual traffic, road conditions, obstructions, construction, and potential criminal activity.

Nancy Pastor / The Washington Times