Closest Metro Stop:
Foggy Bottom-GWU
View Metro Map
Box Office: (202) 467-4600
Toll-Free: (800) 444-1324
Address: 2700 F Street NW, Washington, DC 20566
Foggy Bottom-GWU Station is the closest station to the Kennedy Center. From the station, it is a 10-to-15 minute walk. However, you do not have to walk. Instead, take the Kennedy Center Shuttle. As you exit the station, turn left to find the bus stop for the shuttle.
The Kennedy Center Shuttle is a free and easy way to connect passengers from the Metro station to and from the Kennedy Center. The Kennedy Center Shuttle is lift-equipped and wheelchair accessible. The shuttle connects passengers from the Foggy Bottom-GWU Station to and from the Kennedy Center. The shuttle runs every 15 minutes on:
Monday-Friday: 9:45 a.m.- Midnight
Saturday: 10:00 a.m.- Midnight
Sunday: Noon - Midnight
Holidays: 4:00 p.m.- Midnight