Metro to Kettler Capitals Iceplex

MetroClosest Metro Stop:
Ballston-MU Station Washington DC vacationWashington DC
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Washington Capitals ice hockey Phone: (571) 224-0555

Washington Capitals ice hockey Email: [email protected]

ice hockey Website:

Washington Capitals ice hockey Address: 627 N. Glebe Road, Suite 800, Arlington, VA 22203.

Ballston-MU Metro Station on the Orange and Silver lines of the Metro System is the closest station to the Kettler Capitals Iceplex. The Iceplex is located on the 8th floor of the Ballston Common Mall. The Mall is just two blocks from Ballston Metro Station and is connected to the metro station via skywalk from Mall Level 2. For directions to the Iceplex from the station, see the map and instructions below.

Washington Capitals

From Ballston-MU Metro Station
Approximately .4 miles
Washington Capitals Exit Ballston Station and at the top of the escalator turn right. Cosi Cafe on Stuart Street will face you.
Washington Capitals Turn left. Walk two blocks until you reach theentrance to Ballston Common Mall (just left of Macy's).


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