Arts & Industries Building - Washington DC

Metro Closest Metro Stop:
Smithsonian Station Washington DC vacationWashington DCWashington DC vacation
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museum Status: Closed for renovation

museum Phone: (202) 633-1000

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museum Address: 900 Jefferson Drive SW, Washington, DC

The Smithsonian Metro Station on the Orange, Silver, and Blue lines of the Metro System is the closest station to the Arts and Industries Building. The metro station has two exits; make sure to leave the station through "The Mall" exit (at 12th St & Jefferson Dr SW). Use the map and directions below to find suggested routes.

Arts and Industries Building - Washington DC

Arts and Industries Building

From Smithsonian Metro Station
Approx. 0.1 mile, 3 min walk
washington dc tour The station has two exits. Leave through "The Mall" exit (at 12th St & Jefferson Dr SW).
Washington DC Tour Head east on Jefferson Dr SW (toward the U.S. Capitol Building).

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